Behind every great woman ... is her mother and a dog! Although I, Tessa (that's me!) am the sole proprietor and designer at Tessa's Tiaras I am often assisted by my Mum, Fran, who has more capability and knowledge than she admits to and is naturally practical. We are both however ruled by my dog Jessie who is often assisted by my son's dog Della.
Getting the Job Done Right
Owner & Designer
Tessa was born and raised in Somerset. With a keen interest in how things are made, an eye for colour and a love for attention to detail, the working studio of Tessa's Tiaras is her natural environment.
The real boss
Jessie became part of the team in February 2020. Being a lockdown pup she is still wary of stray humans (those that do not have a dog attached) but is as bright as any sparkly crystal in the studio and her main role is nose nudging, demanding treats using those big brown eyes to maximum effect and alerting everyone to the postman.
Jessie is only available for booked bridal appointments on special request. The appointments are Tessa's domain and Jessie 'works' at home during these times.
Assistant Manager
Della joined our team in October 2023. Like Jessie, she is a Romanian rescue pup. Della ably assists Jessie in the important tasks of eating, sleeping and singing at the postman when cued in by Jessie. With Della's keen nose, no crumb is left out of place, or, given the chance any bead or item that could pass as edible.
Della keeps Jessie company and stays at home during bridal appointments so as not to steal the limelight.
Fran has a multitude of tasks that she assists with including some of our larger projects and assisting with the wedding fairs we attend, always enabling Tessa to give you her utmost attention and to give you the best possible experience.

Tessa's Tiaras
Unit 5, Gibbs Marsh farm, Stalbridge, Dorset  DT10 2RU
England, UK